Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Father's Day: Where's the Capn' Crunch?

There is a tradition that for any significant occasion that we get Nick a box of his favorite cereal, PB Captain Crunch.  That is really the only time that this cereal is purchased.  Father's day was no exception.  However, I failed to remember to pull it out of the not so great hiding place in the pantry and wrap it up as usual.  Sunday night Nick asks, "so when are you going to get around to giving me the cereal that is up there", not really hiding...?  "Well now I guess", I said.  He said I'll have some tomorrow.  But he didn't.  I think Dan knew that Nick would look for it soon after he got home from work.  I picked him up Monday evening and about 10 min later I hear this conversation between them about Father's Day cereal and Dan saying, look up high.  Well it was up high in the pantry so he wasn't getting the prank.  He eventually noticed where Dan managed to hide it.  I especially like the extra touch of using a blank sheet of paper.  Not sure if that was to protect the box from tape or to blend in with the ceiling.  Not sure I would have given permission for this had he asked beforehand.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

End of School 2012

School has been out for over 2 weeks and I'm just getting around to saying a few words.

I attended the awards assembly for both Dan & Sam (different schools different days).  The camera was not set right for indoor pictures and I didn't realize it fast enough.  I missed a picture of Dan receiving a certificate recognizing him with the following:  Pre-Algebra Award, Academics Award, Music Award, Student Council Member, Talent Show Member and Positive Performer Award.  Great job on 7th grade for Dan.

The day of Sam's award assembly I stopped by his class first.  The kids were busy signing thank you cards to those parents who had helped in the class on a regular basis.  It was so sweet for Sam to present me with a lovely pot of some of my favorite flowers and a fun card.  The flowers still look nice and there are new buds waiting to working their way up to the sunlight.

 The last day of classes were somewhat uneventful for Dan.  He hung out with some friends all afternoon on CMU campus one of the days.  It was a lesson in letting go and allowing independence that day.   For Sam his final day ends with a traditional parade through the school.  Dan experienced this same tradition.  The 4th graders march through the school and each grade joins behind them in order.  Then they exit outside and gather around the flagpole.  There the music teacher will stand on the big rock and lead everyone in the National Anthem as the flag is lowered.  It is quite a scene to see the crowd all gathered around.  Parents will often come early and be a part.  Then after there are pictures and hugs and tears.  This year I was successful at capturing more pictures than any other year.  We missed pictures with two of his teachers.  I won't post all of the pictures but have one with his new teacher for next year, which will mostly remain a secret to most until the teacher selections are posted in August.  Because the school works with the teacher ahead of time and brings them on board to help the transition we know before the end of the year.  Lets just say I'm quite excited as is Sam! 
Retiring Music Teacher alongside of the new incoming music teacher