Thursday, December 31, 2009

Once in a Blue Moon...

There are common words or phrases we hear this time of year such as “resolutions”, “this year I will…”, “it’s going to be different” and many more you might be thinking of right now. These things happen regularly or at least annually on a regular basis. Other things only happen once in a blue moon. That would be what we will get on New Years Eve this year, a blue moon. I like to be different so I’m torn. Over the years I have come to dislike the all too dead common resolutions ritual. With all the hype one can easily feel pressured into being a bit overzealous in their resolution selection. The resolution is soon tied to guilt and shame for unfulfilled expectations in being able to carry out the unrealistic. This just leads back to status quo. So a few years ago I resolved to not make new years resolutions but find other ways to set goals for my life. It works better for me. However, this year is my chance to say I only make them once in a blue moon. Now I will need to come up with a really good resolution worthy of only being made once in a blue moon!

On a different note I am just curious. What does this year’s blue moon (2nd in the month and 13th for the year) falling on the last day of the year mean to you?

1) I’m superstitious so 2010 holds a bleak outlook.

2) I’m optimistic so things must be aligned for a great new year.

3) I could care less about the moon so what is the big deal.

4) I thought a blue moon was something Smurfs do.

5) I’m really lost, what are you talking about?

Weigh in with your response. I would love to hear it.

BTW I read an interesting definition of superstitious that I have never heard before. It says “A person who is superstitious is a person who doesn’t require evidence to believe in something.” Hmmm

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

In light of the first word REDUCE, I’m trying something new – a shorter blog post with reduced text.

I found a cool idea on a website for a fun advent calendar. I have several advent calendars and haven’t had the need to make one. But this was too fun and loved the idea of reusing and recycling. I wasn’t sure how on earth to fit it in with everything else going on but somehow squeezed it between other activities (minus putting #'s for each day yet) and the kids help cut the square pictures out of old Christmas cards for our Monday night Family Home Evening activity. I simplified the holder for each square a bit and would be glad to provide info on how I made them out of lunch sack bottoms if anyone is interested. The kids LOVE it!