Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My body is my canvas

Every day is an adventure with Sam and for Sam. Monday Sam arrived home from school and announced it was Warthog day! I wonder if anyone has told Punxsutawney Phil this. He was telling me this before he was out of the bus and pointing to the trash and saying something about a hat and no hats allowed and he had to throw something away. The bus driver just looked and smiled. Later I learned that the groundhog hat that he had colored with marker became an issue on the bus and he was asked to throw it away. Sniff sniff, I wanted to see what the hat looked like. It was clear from his shirt, face and neck that he had enjoyed the project. His hands were quite clean except for the nails which clearly showed signs of heavy duty art construction.

As a side note, and a relieved update to the missing glasses; YES, his glasses were found last Friday in perfect condition, still in the case (although cracked) in the parking lot. I had been in and out of that same area and parking spot several times last week and didn’t see them once! Fortunately it was so cold last week that nothing was wet, just frozen. THEN I get a call yesterday from his teacher. School was out but the bus had not delivered the boys. She expressed her regrets at informing me that his glasses were missing again. There was a change in who was doing what at lunchtime routine and the glasses didn’t make it into the case. They scoured the playground as best they could and they were nowhere to be found. Heavy sigh, we knew these glasses would be an issue. We were just lucky for the first quiet month with them. After Sam arrived home I waited to ask him about them until he was really excited about something else. Sam can tell great stories and doesn’t always give a straight answer. It is often hard to tell what is truth and what isn't. His surprising response was that he put them in his lunch box. Sure enough there they were along with all the leftover bread crusts and crumbs. They were definitely dirty but still around!! YEAH another dodged mishap.


Grandma B said...

Now for a great invention probably worth the investment. . . A little chip placed in the earpiece of the glasses that acts as a locator device. The mom keeps the remote locator and voilla, when the kids glasses are missing she just carries it around until it beeps. Come on, it's got to be possible! Might even help us old people that cant find our glasses because we cant see without them, or are so senile that they are really on our face!

Rennie said...

Warthog Day...we laughed out loud at that one! I just keep singing "Hakuna Matata" over and over in my mind just thinking about it!

Wonder if other kids would make fun of a little kid with a glasses chain? Hmmm...probably. But, I like your sister's idea!

Katrina said...

I love Warthog Day! You should make that your own family holiday and celebrate with homemade hats every year.

I'm glad you found the glasses. Maybe they decided they needed their very own adventure, so they went on a little trip around the world and then came back and left themselves in the parking lot for you to find. They're the Flat Stanley of glasses!