I was tagged by Rennie with a the "weirdness tag" and I figured why not follow along. I have two other blog entries in the works and figured they can wait. I'm sure you all are just dying to find out my quirky weird issues - NOT. However, you will be very entertained by reading this I'm sure. Here are my 7 random and or weird facts about me.
1. I have a childhood habit of judging a book not just by what it looks like but how it feels. There has to be sufficient margins (not crammed too close to the edge). The font can’t be too small. Vertical spacing of lines is important too. It doesn’t have to be double spaced (that would be annoying too) but at least not crammed so close that the y’s and j’s have breathing room between the t’s and h’s below it! Long chapters kill me (but Harry Potter helped me make progress on this – still not over it completely). Paperbacks take a real backseat to hardcover, although size and shape of paperback can make a difference. Best feature of a book are pages with frayed edges, paper with high cotton content and old pages that feel really soft on the edges. If the edges are not right flat (like cut by a machine) but slightly askew that is cool!
2. If I’m helping with a dinner or lunch for a crowd and someone else set the table with knives pointing the wrong direction, I have to find a way to carefully change every knife to the proper direction while no one is noticing. (see Emily Post)
3. There is no use wasting time on chocolate unless it’s amazingly creamy and high quality. Forget the Hershey’s kisses they taste like wax! Bring on the European goodness or if one must settle for easier access, Dove will definitely do.
4. I refuse to pay more than $2 for a box of cereal. Less is even better. If it’s not on sale, it will not be invited to our table.
5. The 2” wood blinds drive me crazy if they aren’t positioned just right when open. They must NOT be turned even slightly down allowing the sunlight to flood the floor. The light has to either come directly in or reflect upward. Probably why I like indirect lighting so much.
6. Restaurant menus MUST be designed well. This could be a carryover from #1. I have a hard enough time making my selection. It is compounded when the menu is not well designed. I once had a menu overload experience where the menu was crammed in with almost no margins. The fonts changed from red and green for no obvious reason. I was so confused from trying to figure out why it was designed the way it was that I honestly could not pull my brain together to make a choice. It was like someone shot me with stupidity serum. What I ended up with was not that great either. I was in Maine and I had a lobster dish of some kind – how can that not be good? I still blame it on the menu!
7. So very closely related to #6 is the painful experience of having to read something with “font overload”. It makes me crazy. You know what I’m talking about, a document that has 10 different font selections and sizes; all for no reason other than the person creating the document just has no clue about readability.
So speaking of all this, I'm also terribly annoyed that the color of my blog links keeps changing to a weird purple and dark blue - which does not exist in ANY of my settings. It only displays that way in October as well. If I view previous months its fine. SO if you are noticing strange colors - please forgive - its NOT me!!! Maybe its just my browser? Also now having read my issues with font changes, spacing etc. you will not be surprised to hear me say that this blogging editor leaves MUCH to be desired. I'm not computer illiterate and I find it a pain and it loves to not do what I tell it to with font selection. You will see it changed the font on me and no matter what I do it just makes it worse. OH well.
I tag whoever would like to participate. Just follow the instructions in the rules image above.