Today’s task list:
Paint hall bathroom
Cook dinner for missionaries
Cut boys hair and a bunch of misc. things.
Today’s events:
Raw egg flying around the kitchen while bowl flips out of hand making a huge mess. Didn’t know one raw egg could cover so much space and in so many places.
I Realized I didn’t have all ingredients to make dinner so great husband offers t
o go to the store for me (I HATE shopping on Saturdays). However, the 48oz glass bottle of salsa that I left in the back of the car, along with other things I picked up at Sam’s Club yesterday, rolled forward during a turn and smashed into the metal of the middle seat and spilled its guts all over the car and into the little well of the seat connector.
Sam was also swinging in his hammock and managed to do what we knew h
e would eventually and put a hole in the wall. We have been trying to come up with a solution for this but now we really have to before the hole gets bigger. Anyone know of a good place to get a padded mat with hefty solid backing?
In the middle of this we were taping and prepping the hall bathroom for paint, did the primer and then made some progress on the paint. I was also preparing some pulled BBQ pork, cole slaw, fresh pineapple and grapes and baked beans. The crowning
piece was a lemon cheesecake, my first ever attempt to make real cheesecake! It turned out great (ignore the grand canyon in the middle) and is so smooth. The recipe will be posted on Facebook or can be requested.
Overall it was a good day, just frustrating in parts. OH and I did get the boys hair all cut as well (all 3 boys). Yeah!
wow! you've been busy! I like staying busy, but it always seems like when you need to get so many things done crazy things always happen! My goal is to make your lemon cake you posted a while back before the new year. I'm not a big cheesecake fan so we'll pass on this, but you're always making good looking stuff!
what a day! it sounds like you rolled with it pretty well.
Your cheesecake looks great! It really is one of my favorite things!
I love the bathroom color. What's it called and who makes it?
As for the salsa in the van...that really's times like that when I wish I had a little green machine to suck it out and clean it up. I miss mine.
You were a busy girl on Saturday...hope you get to rest a bit sometime during the week.
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