Friday, April 22, 2011

Hurry Up!

The two mile stretch of dirt road I drove on the other day to get Sam to piano lessons brought back a memory of a favorite game I once played when I was Sam's age. I remember spending hours practicing the skill required to win "Hurry Up". In this game you are required to balance a marble on a plastic edge while you dodge various size holes. When playing against others the winner was the first one to get 5 marbles, one at a time, up the wall and into a tray. This game brought out my competitive nature to its fullest and I always won.

Who would have thought that decades later that marble skill would have translated into a driving skill! It sure came in handy as I dodged the ruts and huge holes that looked so familiar to that blue "Hurry Up" wall of holes. The only difference was instead of navigating one marble I had 4 wheels to maneuver around the mess. I also found myself wanting to hurry up to get off that stretch of road. However, increasing ones speed would likely result in damage to many parts of the vehicle. It's clearly spring in Michigan! Pure Michigan!

Happy Earth Day.

1 comment:

Rennie said...

I have NEVER ever heard of the game but I've done it while driving! LOL